Sunday, April 26, 2020

Stimulus Check

Since we are all getting back to things we have not done in a very long time, like catching up with old friends, talking to extended family, exercising, cooking and even reading, I figured I would BLOG. The last time I decided to write something in detail or recount an experience - it ended up being my dissertation. I recapped old experiments, recorded successes, cried over some failures and thanked everyone who made it possible.

For this post, I have nothing to recap, no successes to gloat over and no failures to repent. Although, rediscovering this space that I had left a long time ago can be counted as a minor success in my books. I do not have much more to write. I do not have inspirational stories about how I am staying productive during this lockdown. I do not have tips to give on how to fight the boredom.

I just want to be able to look back at this post sometime in the future and remember exactly what I felt while writing this post.

Comfortably numb

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